June - Round Two
Faire last Saturday went well. The weather was great, and Elfkat hung out with us most of the day. We had lots of Reiki clients, which always makes the day worthwhile. Then Monday night, we had our monthly Reiki circle. After lugging boxes and the massage table and canopy etc up and down the stairs, we were definitely ready for OUR turn to get Reiki!
Then, Friday, we went to Lowe's....after 10 years of living in this apartment, we broke down in our middle age and bought a window air conditioner and all the fixings to install it (non-permanently, of course -- rental unit). By the time we got home with it, the "high of 78" had already become 95 degrees. The next 9 hours could have been an episode of "DIY Comedy", but the A/C is in the window, and it works beautifully! The job isn't completely done, but the rest is basically the sealing work. You should have heard us moving around yesterday -- all the moans and groans from sore backs and arms. It isn't easy to carry a 65 pound box up a flight of stairs!

It was a really tough job, My Love..but we did it!!
You are so incredible and so totally wonderful!!!
I Love you always
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