Tripping Through the Enchanted Forest

Ramblings on the winding path.

Friday, March 09, 2007


I got into work this morning, and made my daily check of email and blog posts, and then headed for my usual morning crossword puzzle. What's this? blocked by Barracuda??!!!!???? Naturally I then tried several other sites - all the same result. I IM'd several colleagues to see if they'd gotten the same messages. Yep. Grrrrrrrrrrr.

I work in a call center. Sometimes I can be on hold for over an hour at a time. I can't read a book, because it's too frustrating to have my story interrupted every time the phone rings. It's impossible to blog (except on breaks) for the same reason. I've been killing my hold times by doing crossword puzzles on line and playing bookworm. No more. Now I'm stuck with playing free cell all day.

It turns out the IT guys got tired of cleaning up the viruses rampant on certain websites people were going to (like myspace) and in the games people were downloading (wtf did they do that for????) so now none of us get to play games anymore. We can still play the games in the Windows programs. Yuck. I asked my boss if they could install some more games system-wide that are "safe". They'll see what they can do.

If the next time you see me, I'm bald, you'll know why.


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