What a relief
Well, we survived the service today.
Actually it went very well, with only a couple of minor forgotten items and mis-cues. We got a lot of good feedback from people. Some of them even got up from their seats and moved!!!! And quite a few people are asking about restarting the drumming circle - I'm working on Glory for that one :-) Unfortunately, Mary's hands have been so bad lately that she wasn't able to perform the song we were hoping she would. We'll just have to plan it for another time, my love.
It's amazing we pulled it all together. The majority of the service was finalized earlier this week, but my "sermonette" and Glory's guided meditation and the children's time weren't finalized. I had planned to write mine up yesterday, but I couldn't even bring myself to look at the notes I've been making or the websites I've bookmarked over the last couple of months, let alone type a single word. Rather than beat myself up over it (something I'm quite good at), I let it be. I decided that either the words would come this morning and I would pound out a sermonette, or it would all be off the cuff, letting the energy flow and allowing the words and thoughts to come forth of their own accord. It ended up being a combination of the two - I did write out the majority of it this morning, but added to it as I shared at the service. The hazards - and the blessing - of being very familiar with the subject matter!
I am thrilled that it went so well, and was so well-received. I am also thrilled that I don't have to be in a pulpit again for a while! Today was the third Sunday out of the last four that I've had an active part in a service. Two of those Sundays I was preaching. And I'm not even a UU minister!!!!!
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