Tripping Through the Enchanted Forest

Ramblings on the winding path.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Thank you, Mrs. King

Coretta Scott King, wife of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., died today. A great woman, she supported Dr King in his civil rights work, and continued to keep his dream alive after his assassination. Her spirit and her work toward achieving civil rights for all oppressed people have been a great contribution toward creating The Beloved Community. Thank you, Mrs. King.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

A whole month gone...

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to blog more often.

Great job so far, eh? LOL

January was a very busy month. The first weekend, we were up in Seattle for five days. We go up every couple of months cuz my honey's doctor is up there, and so is her family. We stay at a friend's place out near Maple Valley, and enjoy the quiet scenery and forest smells in between trips into town. We love that area, and are hoping to buy some property ourselves up there in the next couple of years. We've already staked out our plot, but it's not for sale at this point. It would take a lot of work, because the plot is undeveloped, but it is beautiful, and the land is calling to both of us.

It was a great trip, but the return flight was a real white- knuckler. I haven't had a flight that rough in years. Very turbulent takeoff.

So then I worked for 4 days, we unpacked from Seattle by dumping everything onto the bed, and refilled our suitcases for a road trip to Tucson the following weekend. Yet another rental car -- and since the car wasn't ready until an hour AFTER my reservation, we didn't get on the road until 4pm -- on a Friday, on a 3-day weekend. Needless to say, we didn't get to Phoenix in the 5 hours suggested by Mapquest. It was actually 9 hours by the time we got there. As if it wasn't bad enough getting out of LA/Orange County/Riverside, we had to slam on the breaks just outside of Blythe, where there had been a bad accident. But we did finally find our motel in Phoenix, checked in, and passed out on the bed. The next morning we drove to Tucson, stopping for lunch at Govinda's.

A lot of people have asked me, why Tucson? Well, I do a workshop called "Beyond Categorical Thinking" for Unitarian Universalist churches who are searching for a new minister. The goal is to ensure that ministers who are people of color, have a disability, or are gay, lesbian, bisexual, and/or transgender have an equal opportunity at getting a settled position. I've been doing these workshops for 9 years now, and it's something I really enjoy. So, that's why we were there. Of course, the best time to drive across the desert and visit Tucson probably is in January!

So I preached and did the workshop there on Sunday, then we drove back halfway and stayed in Blythe Sunday night, finishing the drive home on Monday morning. Even breaking up the drive like that doesn't seem to have helped much. I used to be able to handle really long road trips with no problem, but nowadays it takes me better than a week to recover from them. I end up exhausted, stiff and sore, and barely able to get up and to work on time.

And now, here it is the end of January already! I think I'm finally recovered from the two back-to-back trips. Our next trip isn't until middle of March, thank Goddess. Mabye I'll have the time and energy to catch up on some paperwork and organizing!


Sunday, January 01, 2006

Family Portrait

Nicole wanted to know why her picture wasn't in my blog, so here is the whole family, taken a year and a half ago. Yes, Mark is taller now! As soon as we can convince the camera to talk to the computer again, I'll be able to post more recent pics.

L to R: Nicole, Shellynne, Mary, me, Mark

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New Year's Already

Happy Hogmanay!

I can't believe it's 2006 already. Where does it go?

All three of my kids have been here for the past week, which is nice. I had to work half the time, but we did manage to finally get out and see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire! And we got in a bit of post-holiday shopping with gift cards received at said holiday.

We decided to have an Open House for New Year's Eve. Several friends came by for food and beverages and chatting, and a few others cancelled because of the heavy rain that was causing local streets to overflow their banks. Everyone who came by lit a candle with their intentions for the coming year. The altar was blazing brightly around Isis by the end of the evening.

We had a good time, and we managed to stay up until midnight so we could toast the new year. Goddess only knows how late the kids stayed up -- WE went to bed around 1:00 am. It's nearly 11:00 am now and they're still snoozing.

It's back to work tomorrow morning for me. Three solid days of work, and they we fly up to Seattle on Thursday morning for a long weekend. I can't wait!
