Tripping Through the Enchanted Forest

Ramblings on the winding path.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day

I'd like to take a moment to honor all those who have given their lives in service to their country.

I would also like to see the day when we no longer need to add names to the lists of fallen soldiers/sailors/airmen/marines.

May we find a peaceful resolution to conflict, and bring our parents, siblings, children, spouses and friends home.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Fun and Games

Wow, what a rough couple of weeks. I've been working much more than I usually do, trying to catch up on some things, and my body is protesting. It's been all I can do to eat and spend a little quality time with my family before I fall into bed and do it all over again the next day. This coming week looks about the same... But for now, it's a three-day weekend!

So yesterday, we met Elfkat and Ali and their cousin at the Scottish Highland Games. The weather was cool and cloudy, which was a big help out there! We got there in time for the Opening Ceremonies, the entry of the Color Guard and the Massed Bands. The sound of hundreds of pipers and drummers is something that just stirs my blood, especially "Scotland the Brave". And then there was the soloist, Alex Beaton, singing "Flower of Scotland" -- what a beautiful song!

We did some shopping, and some visiting with friends, but we only ended up staying about 3 1/2 hours because we couldn't find any vegetarian food, and I was starving. Apparently, a vegetarian Scot is at the least an oxymoron and at the worst, anathema.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Scotch Broom

Maple Valley, WA

This hills are covered with this stuff. The color is unbelievable.

Scotch broom -- giolcach shleibhe in Gaelic -- is very toxic. It has been traditionally used for protection and purification purposes, and is said to have been used to make brooms, hence the name.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Seattle, cont.

Friday, we did go to the Boeing Museum of Flight. Ivy rode with us, and Christy and Debbie met us there. I wasn't feeling too well (IBS attack), so I wandered around taking pics while the rest of them ooohed and aaaahed. I'm not a real big plane fan. I was much more interested in horses! But I am a history buff, and enjoyed reading all the placards and seeing the ways that planes and flight have developed over the last century. Mary loved it. We went back to Ivy's and barbecued some dinner. Her kids and grandkids came over for a bit, and we watched "Wedding Crashers". Stupid, mindless comedy. Not a great flick, but good for relaxing.

On Saturday, we didn't get to do much. We packed, relaxed a bit, then headed off to see Mary's dad for a while before heading to the airport. We had enough time to actually sit down and eat dinner at Seatac instead of grabbing fast food on the way to the gate.

A short trip, but relaxing. We didn't do nearly as much running around as we normally do, which was nice. We're going back again at the end of July, when we'll have a big ole BBQ birthday party for Mary!


Friday, May 12, 2006


We're up in Seattle this week for our bimonthly trip. When we landed on Wednesday morning, the weather was beautiful, and you could see the snowy Mt Rainier off in the distance.... what a tall mountain that one is! I'd hate to see what would happen if Rainier pulled a Mt St Helens. It would be quite a show.

Wednesday after we landed, picked up the rental car. We usually rent an "intermediate", and imagine our surprise when we walked out to the car to find a Sebring convertible!!!! I double-checked my contract to make sure this really was an upgrade and not a mistake! Then we had our usually first morning breakfast at IHOP in Renton, and headed out to our friend Ivy's place near Black Diamond. Had a restful afternoon, visited a neighbor whose cat has three-week-old kittens (awwwww!) and then had a bonfire in the backyard. That was fun!

Thursday morning we slept in, puttered a bit, then got ready to head into Seattle for Mary's doctor visit. While Mary was getting ready, Ivy and I had a visit from a fawn who wandered in the yard, munching leaves until the neighbor's dog chased it off. When we left to head into Seattle, a coyote ran across the dirt road a few yards ahead of us. After the doctor, we went to see Christy and Debbie and had din-din with them. When we got back to Ivy's, we drank rootbeer floats and watched Narnia.

Today, Mary left early to have breakfast with her ex. Ivy and I have been watching tv and chatting. The plan is to go to the Boeing Museum of Flight later today.

It's so restful out here. Quiet, green, big open spaces. Wish we could stay a lot longer!


Friday, May 05, 2006

Tagged! Six Weird Habits

Elfkat tagged me.... I have to come up with 6 weird habits I have. This was a toughy!!! I had to enlist the help of Mary and two of my kids.

1. I eat my grits like hot cereal: sugar, butter, milk. Yes, I also eat them in the traditional way mixed with eggs and salt, pepper, etc. But it's so much quicker to make them into hot cereal!

2. I sign in my sleep. So I've been told. Since I spend about 8 hours a day signing (as in American Sign Language) I guess this is to be expected. Unfortunatley, I wake up Mary in the process! LOL

3. I own very few pairs of "shoes". I nearly always wear boots, at least ankle-high. They're just more comfortable with the ankle support, and they keep my feet warmer!

4. I always have a book on me! I have always been an incessant reader, even using a flashlight under the covers when I was young. Right now, I'm re-reading several books until I get the chance to run to the bookstore again!

5. Ever since I went online in 1996, I've had the habit of getting hooked on online games. Back then it was tetris, now it's Cubis 2! It keeps my brain occupied when I'm tired and can't go to bed yet, or just plain bored.

6. ....You tell me! I've spent 5 days just coming up with these 5!!!!
