Tripping Through the Enchanted Forest

Ramblings on the winding path.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

For G

May the surgery go smoothly and the recovery quickly. May Brighid wrap her healing arms around you, guiding the surgeons, the anesthesiologists, the attendants and all who cross your path during this time. May she pour her healing waters over you and bring you calmness and trust, washing away any fear or doubt, refreshing you and comforting you. Beannacht leat!


Monday, September 03, 2007

But wait, there's more!

Senator Larry Craig of bathroom cruising fame is resigning, effective Sept. 30. "I am not gay!" Hmmmmm, methink thou dost protest too much, Mr. Craig. Not the first time you've done this, just the first time you've been arrested for it. Plead guilty to a lesser charge and thought you could cover it up, huh? Gay bashers shouldn't throw rocks in glass houses.

And Tony Snow, White House press secretary, is also leaving. He sees he needs to make more money. I guess he didn't get any of Halliburton's stock when he signed on.

Looks like the rats are leaving a sinking ship....
