Tripping Through the Enchanted Forest

Ramblings on the winding path.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Mark's Graduation

Mark graduated from Warren High School last night. It was hard to pick him out from where we were sitting on the bleachers. And of course there was a beach ball that made its rounds during the long list of names. At the closing, the traditional throwing of the caps was observed. The Fire Dept. was on hand to set off fireworks at the end of the ceremony - a great touch.

Congratulations, Mark! I'm very proud of you.

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006


My beloved and I celebrated our 2nd Anniversary on Monday. The time we have been together is a wonderful gift, and she is so amazing! I am so fortunate to have found her. Happy Anniversary My Love!


Sunday, June 18, 2006

June - Round Two

Faire last Saturday went well. The weather was great, and Elfkat hung out with us most of the day. We had lots of Reiki clients, which always makes the day worthwhile. Then Monday night, we had our monthly Reiki circle. After lugging boxes and the massage table and canopy etc up and down the stairs, we were definitely ready for OUR turn to get Reiki!

Then, Friday, we went to Lowe's....after 10 years of living in this apartment, we broke down in our middle age and bought a window air conditioner and all the fixings to install it (non-permanently, of course -- rental unit). By the time we got home with it, the "high of 78" had already become 95 degrees. The next 9 hours could have been an episode of "DIY Comedy", but the A/C is in the window, and it works beautifully! The job isn't completely done, but the rest is basically the sealing work. You should have heard us moving around yesterday -- all the moans and groans from sore backs and arms. It isn't easy to carry a 65 pound box up a flight of stairs!

Today, June 18, is my son Mark's 18th birthday. Hard to believe. There were times I never thought he'd grow up, and now he's an amazing young man with a big heart and his life's path before him. Happy Birthday, Mark! I love you.

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Thursday, June 08, 2006

Down to the wire

Only two days to go until the Solstice Faire, and we still have so much to do! Today we'll be running around doing some last minute shopping for the booth setup, and then back home to finish up some of our product labeling and pricing. We would have had a lot more done by now, but it was just too bloody hot last week to do anything but melt into the couch. Thank Goddess the June Gloom is here and keeping the days a little cooler!

I'm not working today, because I knew we would still have a ton o'stuff to do. I'm not really working tomorrow either, but I do have a workshop to attend in the morning. That sounds funny, doesn't it? Cuz I really AM working -- getting ready for Faire -- but that "doesn't count" cuz it's not my "Day Job". LOL

June is a busy month for us. Faire is one thing, but there is also Father's Day, my son's 18th birthday (OMG! already?), said son's high school graduation (2 down, 1 to go), my birthday (!!!!), and our 2nd Anniversary. Think they could squeeze anything else in there?


Sunday, June 04, 2006

Summer Solstice Faire

Join Long Beach WomanSpirit
and the Temple of Isis/Los Angeles
at the annual

Summer Solstice Faire
Saturday, June 10, 2006
10AM to 5:00PM
Unitarian Universalist Church
5450 Atherton, Long Beach
just west of Bellflower, south of the 405 F'way, north of 7th Street
$5 Donation - includes one free raffle ticket

Over 90 Vendor Booths
Networking Table (bring your flyers to share)
Hourly Raffle of Vendor Donated Items
Come see us at our Reiki Booth - Menhir Mysteries!

10:00 Opening Circle with Ella Reed
10:30 Miranda Rondeau
11:15 Kahena and Banaat al-Qamar
12:00 Liqdzunshine
1:00 The Cloverfields
2:00 Miri Hunter Haruach
3:00 The Nubian Divas and Closing Circle

Event co-sponsored by
the Spiritual Practices Committee of UUCLB

"We are always coming into being" Letecia Layson, Priestess of Morphogenesis